
Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Please contact us. 

You can send us a message at info (at) or by using the form below. We also have a mailing list which you can join by sending us a message, either by email or the contact form.

Psyty can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.

In response to occasional inquiries:

– At least for the time being, we are not able to help anyone enlist as participant in studies on psychedelic-assisted therapy or psychedelics otherwise. So far in Finland, legal psychedelic therapy has only been provided in one study to a small patient group. It is not widely available, and the association is not able to help in finding it elsewhere, either. To some extent, ketamine is used in the treatment of suicidal depression in Finland. This type of treatment requires a referral – discuss this matter with your own doctor.

– We may be able to assist with matters related to thesis topics or supervising. However, before getting in touch, please find out from your own university and possible seminar supervisor about the practices regarding the what kind of theses you can carry out and under whose supervision.

– The Association does not provide medical or psychological treatment nor medical advice. Please do not share personal medical information or other sensitive information via this form.

– The Association maintains a list of psychotherapists who have expressed their willingness to receive clients wanting to process a previous psychedelic experience as part of psychotherapy. If you are looking for such a psychotherapist (in Finland), please contact us with information on your area of residence, and we can send you the contact information of therapists closest to you.

– If you are a licensed psychotherapist and would like to offer such a service, you may also contact us. We will store your information in compliance with GDPR, and only share it with potential clients in your area.

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